
Tableau learning (keep updating)
- Anual bonuses question
- Unempoyment rate

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Learning AWS S3

Amazon S3 Use cases

  • Backup and storage
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Archive
  • Hybrid Cloud storage • Application hosting
  • Media hosting
  • Data lakes & big data analytics • Software delivery
  • Static website

Amazon S3
- Bucket : globally
- Object :
- Security
CORS (cross origini resource sharing)


Docker v.s. Virtual Machines

What is Docker

  • Virtualization Software
  • Makes developing and deploying applications much easier
  • Packages application with all the cecessary dependencies, configuration, system tools and runtime
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Amazon RDS (relational database services)

  • use SQL


  • reader endpoints helps to find all read replicas

backup - can create a snapshot insteead of

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EC2 placement Groups and ENI

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