
AWS Route

AWS Route
- what is DNS, Route 53 …

Route 53 is also a Domain Registrar

Records Time To Live (TTL): to cache the result for the TTL of the record so that we don’t frequently ask for the same result.\

  • High TTL: 24hr
  • Low TTL: 60 sec.

Route Policy

  • Simple
  • Weighted: route to weighted domain
  • Latency based: point to the one with less Latency
  • Failover: health checks will determine whether the primary site is healt or not, and enable the second on (disaster recovery)
  • Health checks
  • Geolocation: routing based on user location or restricted content distribution
  • Geoproximity: Route traffic to your resources based on the geograogic location of users and resources
  • IP-based Routing: users are directed to direct to different IP based on their different IP address.
  • Multivalue: