
h1 Heading 8-)

h2 Heading

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Largest Numbers 最大数

题目: leetcode 179

给定一组非负整数 nums,重新排列每个数的顺序(每个数不可拆分)使之组成一个最大的整数。


Given a list of non-negative integers nums, arrange them such that they form the largest number.

Note: The result may be very large, so you need to return a string instead of an integer.

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What is Selenium?

A tool designed for web for automation testing.
Support multiple languages, browsers and can run in multiple platforms.

Types of Testing

  • Captibility Testing
    • different browser-OS combinations
  • Performance Testing
    • performance, eg. fast loading
  • Integration Testing
    • Things are work collaboratly
  • System testing
    • Black box testing, a single user workflow, whether the website is functional.
  • End-to-end Testing
    • all touchpoints on the web app are functional.
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Jenkins is a continuous Integration tool that alloas continuous development, test and deployment of newly created codes. A central tool for automation for all the projects. (Hudson is the origin version of Jenkins)

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1. Data Structures related

  1. AVL Tree
  2. Inorder, preorder, postorder, levelorder traversal
  3. Binary Heap (Min, Max), priority queue.

    * Heapsort: always find the last leaf node and switch with root node. Then adjust the tree to be a min/max heap, then continue find the second last node in the array we store the values, repeat switch.
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春天又到了, 在北威州怎么能不去大名鼎鼎的Bonn赏樱花, ins上每到三月四月,各种樱花美照层出不穷,好不羡慕。今年计划了无数次要去Bonn看樱花,在四月的第二个星期终于迎来了一个好天气, 准备…


四月飘雪,德国的冬天还固执地不肯走,深圳的夏天都快来到了。原本计划好久的Bonn樱花也因为上个星期突如其来的大雪而取消,于是今天在朋友的邀请下,一起去割,韭,菜。也是心心念念了很久的割韭菜,之前有位在德国读书的教授朋友曾经跟我说Bonn有地方可以割韭菜,从入学到现在一直都在我的Bucket List里,没想到Bonn樱花看不成韭菜也没割成,倒是在Aachen附近找到了割韭菜的地方。

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  • 来自室友研究的菜谱, 原视频资料 youtuber Fred。。。
  • 食材需要: 牛肉,洋葱,蒜,姜,番茄,月桂,花椒,豆瓣酱,糖
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