Notes on EC2 Foundamentals!~
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LEETCODE LargestNumbers最大数
LEETCODE MergeSort, QuickSort
What is Selenium?
A tool designed for web for automation testing.
Support multiple languages, browsers and can run in multiple platforms.
Types of Testing
- Captibility Testing
- different browser-OS combinations
- Performance Testing
- performance, eg. fast loading
- Integration Testing
- Things are work collaboratly
- System testing
- Black box testing, a single user workflow, whether the website is functional.
- End-to-end Testing
- all touchpoints on the web app are functional.
What is Jenkins?
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Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub.
1. Data Structures related
- AVL Tree
- Inorder, preorder, postorder, levelorder traversal
- Binary Heap (Min, Max), priority queue.
* Heapsort: always find the last leaf node and switch with root node. Then adjust the tree to be a min/max heap, then continue find the second last node in the array we store the values, repeat switch.
春天又到了, 在北威州怎么能不去大名鼎鼎的Bonn赏樱花, ins上每到三月四月,各种樱花美照层出不穷,好不羡慕。今年计划了无数次要去Bonn看樱花,在四月的第二个星期终于迎来了一个好天气, 准备…
四月飘雪,德国的冬天还固执地不肯走,深圳的夏天都快来到了。原本计划好久的Bonn樱花也因为上个星期突如其来的大雪而取消,于是今天在朋友的邀请下,一起去割,韭,菜。也是心心念念了很久的割韭菜,之前有位在德国读书的教授朋友曾经跟我说Bonn有地方可以割韭菜,从入学到现在一直都在我的Bucket List里,没想到Bonn樱花看不成韭菜也没割成,倒是在Aachen附近找到了割韭菜的地方。